The Nerd Venn Diagram

About This Website

Nothin' more than my personal webpage. Its main purpose is for me to share stuff, especially links to various websites where I occasionally post content that might be of interest to someone somewhere in some far-flung and very boring corner of the world.

About Me

I think the Venn Diagram at right pretty much summs it up. Some more specifics below though anyway.

Just the Fax
Name: Grayson Carey King
Species: Homo Sapiens
Birthdate: 5 October 1971
Birthplace: Freeland, MI, USA
Residence: Burlington, VT, USA

Much More Than You Really Want to Know
Favorite Color: Burgundy
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator: INTJ
Super Powers: Gliding Over Snow & Water,
Manipulating Electrons
Breakfast Cereal: General Mills Basic 4
Blood Type: O positive
Spouse: The Lovely & Talented Karen Vastine
(met 10 August 2001, married 8 August 2009)
Employer: MicroStrain, Inc.
Job Title: Senior Design Engineer
What does that mean? I invent/design/develop electronic gadgets ("Design Engineer"),
and I'm pretty good at it ("Senior").
Outdoor Pursuits: Telemark Skiing, Windsurfing, Whitewater Paddling, Wakesurfing,
and various other forms of sliding over snow or water.
Height: 6'1" (185cm)
Weight: 170lb (77kg)
Shoe Size: US Men's 11, UK 10½, Europe 45, Mondo 29
Dietary Philosophy: "All other food is merely a vehicle for cheese."